– the world of love for surfing.

On these pages we share useful and interesting information about surfing with you. It doesn’t matter what level you are or what your surfing goals are. Hobby or desire to make it a way of life. We have something to offer you.

Here you will find a lot of useful information about surfing. Educational materials, videos, travel stories and event stories. Everything that can help your progress, travel planning and simply increase your theoretical knowledge.

In 2013, the Billabong brand launched an advertising campaign in which he asked his prosurfers a fairly simple but ingenious thing. Why are they surfing? The answers surprised us, we would even say they did not suit us. There were options like this:

  • I like the feeling when I rolled.
  • I just don’t know what else to do.
  • I believe that the next wave will be better.
  • Surfing makes me a better person (This one is probably the coolest, but still not the same).

Advertising with this question flashed so often that we involuntarily thought: Why do people do this at all? It took us several years to search, and now, it seems to us, we are ready to give ourselves and you a fairly scientific answer.

What is the magic and peculiarity of surfing? Why does it attract millions, and most importantly, does not let people go with age?

In surfing, there are people who like the whole process: rowing, falling, kneading, its difficulty in mastering; everything that happens in and around the water. Even when they get up on the board very rarely.

Surfing is not for everyone

Surfing is a very difficult sport, there are few results and achievements in it. Most people who try don’t go on for more than one lesson or first class. If we take the statistics of surf schools in large resorts, then more than 80% of people who did not continue to practice will be. Customers are attracted by a beautiful selling picture. Surfing is fun, beautiful landscapes and people around. All sorts of stereotypes like the spirit of freedom, etc. Having tried it, as it really is, with worn out arms and legs, beaten off ribs and everything is bruised, the students decide that apparently this is not for them. Nevertheless, there are enough people who devote a lot of time to it.

Surfing is a very physically demanding sport, and therefore, at the stage of beginners’ progress, the question of a person’s readiness and his physical form first of all arises. Rowing at 95%, pushups and squats. Only a small percentage will be left to stand on the board and enjoy.

There is evidence that there are now approximately 35 million surfers in the world. And in 2002 there were only 10 million of them. Why there was such growth – there are no questions.

Riding the waves takes skill and strategy, just like making the right moves in gaming. Experience the thrill both in water and online at

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